Monday, June 10, 2013


What is a “beginning” exactly?

                Truthfully, there are so many definitions to that question. There are so many ways to “begin” something that it’s impossible to tell. Such a question is like an essential question where there isn't a true answer because people have so many different views.

                To me, though, I believe a “beginning” is taking that first step. You might be scared, you might not want to even try, but everyone has to begin at least something. Everything in this world has a start. Even at the point of birth, you are starting something new. There’s always a beginning and an end. All that is required is that one small nudge that sends you into the unknown.

                That abyss of uncertainty that lays before everything we—as humans—complete is terrifying to me. I’m so mortified by the thought of what could happen that I tend to over-think things. I am constantly thinking to the point where I come up with as many scenarios as I possibly can. And I am 100% positive that I always tend to skip over what actually will happen. When the overlooked scenarios occur, I grow scared and frustrated. No matter how hard I think, why can’t I possibly think of what will happen? Why can’t I just think of something, dismiss it, and actually have it happen to me?

                But it’s obvious that I can’t think of everything that takes place, right? I’m not magical, I’m not all knowing, and most of all: I can’t stop the unknown from occurring. All I can possibly do is take a deep breath and dive into that risk.

And diving is what I've decided to do from now on.

                From what I've heard, it takes children ten times to try something to decide whether or not they like something. And I believe it’s the same for adults. So, I might have my eyes closed for the first few risks I decide to take, but maybe after three or four tries—maybe more—I’ll be used to it.

                The first beginning I decided to take was to try writing my thoughts that come to me based off of thirty or so different words. For a long time now, I've severely wanted to try this blog writing thing. What will happen as I write is unknown—obviously—but I’ll grit my teeth together and push through it.

                After this first step, we’ll just have to see what will come across my path because although I’m scared, I’m mostly curious. I’m curious to see where I will be in a year, two years, or in ten years. I’m curious to know what will fill my life’s desires and interests. Will I encounter a lot of hardships? Will I be happy? Will I choose the correct path? Because of such questions that rage through my head, I will forever be curious.

                I hope that whoever reads what I have to write will find at least some kind of meaning to this. I cannot offer hope, desire, inspiration, or any of that because I don’t exactly know what I’m writing this blog for. Maybe this will become an outlet. A chance to get my thoughts flowing.

                To tell you straight out, I’m not going to be writing to a certain audience with these posts. I don’t even know if I will have an audience. Instead, I think that this will be for me and that invisible “you” because I’m selfish. I want something for my own. I want to write at least something for myself while everything else I've ever written was for at least one other person.

And with that, I conclude the first dive into the deep water of possibilities.

Also, I apologize for being blunt.

Here’s to new beginnings and taking risks~